Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The man who sold the world.

I'm back after what seems to be too long of a time. It's around 9:00 am here in Arlington, and I have had not one bit of sleep at all. I'm sitting here, at my desk at the NSF, listening to the Nirvana Unplugged album. So sit, drink pennyroyal tea, and let me tell you about the man who sold the world.

So the job is going fine on my end. I have no complaints, except for one that I can't mention here. I have been promised that this month I should be getting a raise, and then another one in January. Plus, in November, I should be getting a decent bonus as well. I

t's September 12th, the day after 9/11. It's already been five years since that awful day. I was in University 101 class at West Virginia University. My dad was working close to the Pentagon when it happened. I was so glad to hear to his voice that day.

The Redskins lost against the Vikings in their seasonal opener last night. It was disappointing , but there is still the rest of the season for Joe Gibbs to pull them together. All hail the great and almighty Gibbs. After week 1 of the fantasy football season, my team leads our league at 96 points. I know it's only the start of season, but I'm feeling good about this one. Well, that is enough for right now, but I'll post again later.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Completed the War!

So I have finally beaten Call of Duty 2 for the Xbox 360. I'm not very good at first person shooters so I had to beat it at the easy level. But I didn't use any cheats so thats pretty good. Although, some of the stages were too easy so much so that I didn't die once. Maybe my "mad playerz skai-izzells" (is that the correct teenspeak spelling) are improving. I know I will never beat Battlefield 2: Modern Combat. What I need to keep ahead in team based single player, like B2:MC, is strong programming that makes me feel like I don't have to babysit the ally AI. I really like B2:MC for it's multiplayer gaming, but the single player really leaves alot to be desired.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy 4th!

So, I hope that everyone is having a safe and great Independence Day. This is a day that celebrates our independence from a country that really wasn't that smart. This certain country (the UK) during that war thought that wearing camoflage didn't make a big enough fashion statement. Even though I make fun of the UK; I do feel like I have a connection with that country. I was conceived there. I was conceived in Brittain, have Polish genes, and drink true russian potato vodka. I'm more European than Madonna.

What are you are doing this 4th? Most people do a picnic, visit with friends and family, or go to the mall for the fireworks show. I didn't do any of those this year. I just slept in, relaxed in front of the TV, and tried to keep one of my loosely closed windows from letting in a torrential downpour. I was playing my Xbox 360 with Call of Duty 2. Then all of a sudden I heard a boom that was louder than the explosions on my TV. It started to pour rain so hard that I could not see two feet in front of my window. Thank goodness this rain only lasted about two minutes, because if it had lasted longer then we would have a serious flood problem. So, the rain ended and I finished the Brittish campaign.

And onward. The places the I've been to since I have moved to the D.C. area. Well, I revisted the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. I love this museum, and it was the first time in years that I had been there. But this visit didn't live up to the hopes of my old memories. My last visit to the SNASM (doesn't that abreviation just roll off the tongue :-} ) was when I was in fourth grade. Being that young, I really didn't appreciate the feats and sacrifice symbolized by those museum displays. But now I know the level of greatness that those men and women achieved. However, the museum disapponted me on this visit as an adult. What really stood out was that most of the displays had not changed since my last visit. In the area showcasing the fighter aircraft of a Carrier was a simulation that allowed people to try out landing one of those fighter craft. But the graphical software that was in that simulation was very outdated. They could have just modified a old version of Microsoft Flight Simulator, and that would have better.

I shopped at the Pentgon City Mall, but other than Apple and Sony stores it's just like any other mall you've been to.

Anyway, that's all I have for now. Plus, my wireless mouse needs to be recharged. So goodnight.

Monday, July 03, 2006

I love this thing.

This is best blog site I have tried out. It's not as good having a visual editor for the template, but thats okay. The template actually works well with modifications to the code. But still I wish I had a working web visual editor that does what it is supposed to do. This is much better for the time being though.


This is just a test, but the site is starting to look really good.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Wha..wha..what is this?

Is it bird, is it plane, ... is it Superman?

Hell, no its your friendly blogger, Joel. After beating the warpath back home from Pittsburgh, I lived back at home for awhile. But now I live in the D.C. Metro area.

It's been almost a year since my last post. Well, whats new with my life? You might have noticed the new site. Let me explain. I did like my old site, and it was good to me for a while. But I tried going back to it, and updating it. That was just too hard to do. I don't know whats up with the Bravenet coding, but anytime I tried to modify it; it would just start to act up. I just decided to start up on a new more simple site. I hope you like it. I don't know if will do any more tech posts considering I work all day long with computers. But if I find something really interesting I might just give you all a heads up.

So on with the news. I'm not dating anybody, still single. I did date someone for about two weeks, but I just didn't feel that we had any emotion connection between us. My grandpa keeps asking when I am going to meet someone, and start having kids. Oh, about my grandparents, they moved to live out west with one of my aunts. This really sucks, because the center home of our family was West Virginia. But that will just have to change now.

I have a great job working for the National Science Foundation. I am one of their tech support people at the NSF's helpdesk. Living in the D.C. Metro area has really been a blessing. To tell you the truth I really wanted to live close to D.C. all my life, and now I have that. Score one for me. I share an apartment with three other people, but I have pretty decent room by myself. The only thing that sucks is that I still don't have a clothes washer/dryer in the apartment.

Anyway, I hope you all like the new site. Please feel free to post comments.

Next: What I've done and where I've been thats interesting in the D.C. Metro area.