Sunday, November 25, 2007

Got a new outlook!

Well, maybe not a new outlook on life, but I do have new PC. One of my co-workers provided it to me. Its my first real experience with Windows Vista. I am using the Ultimate edition. After a few errors that were fixed in about a day, I'm really starting to like Vista. I need to get a larger hard drive to hold the OS, but for right now the 80 gigs are sufficient.

My only gripe was with the way I had to activate the OS. I had to call up the Microsoft activation hotline, but talking with the activation customer agent was very easy and quick. Other than that the control panel icons disappeared on me, but after a fresh install that was fixed. Since the new install I haven't seen any errors since.

I love the new Dreamscenes gadget. Its like icing on top of the cake. I have several Dreamscenes that I can choose from that are really cool. I currently have a mountain waterfall as my Dreamscene background. The new PC is better able to handle instense software, such as: Window Media Center.

World of Warcraft is running really well on the new PC. I wish I was seeing higher framerates in the main cities, but its expected since they are highly populated.

All in all, I'm really liking it.

Well, hopefully this won't be only post I have for the next six months.