Sunday, December 30, 2007

Goodbye, 2007. Nice to know you.

Well, I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I spent it with my family as usual. Now its already New Year's Eve, and 2007 is almost over. I just wish that D.C. metro area would have had a White Christmas. Only having rain just really sucks. Having forty two degree weather is good when you have to walk to work, but if I don't have to go any where then I would to see some snow. I've got to get a decent digital camera sometime so I can take some pictures of this area.

So what did we learn this year? If you watched the History channel you would know that scientists have finally discovered a blueprint for what happened during the Big Bang using a probe called the WWMAP, and that there were speeds faster than that of the speed of light. If you watched TMZ then you learned that we are much too concerned with the business of celebrities, and consider some of them "role models". I will admit that I read the TMZ blog sometimes so that doesn't make me a hypocrite. Though why we see those people as role models doesn't make any sense to me. There are very few Hollywood celebrities that I would see as role models for myself, but they really don't apply to me since I am not an actor. My role models would have to be Steve Jobs and Bill Gates as they excel in business and technology. If you watched the news too much then you might be caught up in the fear and sensationalism. Some people say that life is short, but if you watched I Think I Love My Wife then you might believe that life is long and you have to live with the consequences of your actions.

I want to leave this year touching upon two thoughts; the first on a sad one, and then happy a one.

Many sad events have happened this year. I think the worst was the Virginia Tech Massacre. I think that it was the worst event to happen to this country since 9/11. I think the saddest part about it was that it could have been prevented if the gunman had been given the proper psychological treatment. He had been deemed mentally ill by a Virginia Special Justice, and was forced to take outpatient treatment. If he had been made to take inpatient treatment then the massacre might not have happened. But hindsight is always 20/20 vision, and we always wish that we could push rewind.

For me personally: the worst event was when my grandparents left for Arizona. They lived in West Virginia for more than forty years. Other than my mom, they were the ones that raised me from just a baby. Still to this day they pray for me everyday. I have never met my biological father. Even though having him in my life might have made my family more stable financially; I am glad he wasn't there. My mom, step dad, and grandparents were enough.

I think the best event of this year was when the number of deaths in Iraq started to go down. Hopefully this trend will continue. I have family members in the military, and I am glad that my family has not lost anyone in this war.

I've had a lot of ups and downs this year, but the best thing for me this year was that I got to meet some new people. I hope I get to develop some friendships with those people next year, and I hope next year will be better for everyone.

Happy New Year!

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