Sunday, June 22, 2008

Half tired musing about meeting people

I'm hopping around on MySpace as I sometimes accustomed to doing, and I see that I have 1,412 profile views. For some that's not a lot, and I bet that most of those views were just net bots looking to steal my information. But really could you meet that many people in day? Maybe you could meet one person in a day, and really get to know him or her. Go ahead and think about it. I won't stop you. Take five minutes, and come back here when you are done. OK, good, you're back. Now think about this: what if you met one new person each day. That would be 365 people in a year, and if you really got to know them then that would be 365 more souls that you came close to understanding. It would be nice if we all could get to know each other a little bit better. Then the world might not have as many problems as it does now. Maybe our lives would feel a little more whole if we took five minutes each day to fucking give a shit about someone we don't know. Last Friday night, I met an acquaintance whom I new from a local video game store. He's a manager there. I had been drinking. Hell, we all had been drinking. I was there with my friend Bruce, and I said hello to this game store guy that I barely knew. He starts to tell me about what's going on in his life, but I don't really listen to him. He was looking for some advice and guidance. At the time I really couldn't give two shits about his life, because it's his life. I just said my goodbyes after my drink, and left the bar. People do ask me for advice sometimes. Sometimes I know what to say, and the other times I fucking don't. But, if I could make an effort to care about someone I really don't know then I might just make a difference in someone's life. But I was assuming that the shit he was dealing with wasn't just as important as my shit is to me. I think as a society we judge people to quickly. In the Infinite Net, we have MySpace, FaceBook, and Adult Friend Finder profiles. But it's just like a judging a book by it's cover. Nine tenths of what we think when we first see one of those profiles is whether she or he is hot or not. We never think I would like to get to know that person, and find out what they are like. What their soul is like if such a thing exists. I'm guilty of this too. I see really hot chick online, and I think how awesome it would be to just bang her, no strings attached. I don't think: I wonder what her favorite author or album is. Is it pathetic that I am being led around by my cock like most of my sex? I used to think that I was a good guy, but "meeting new people" is just another euphemism for trying to get laid. Anyway, it's just a musing.

No ones likes you.

Face it, no one likes you. They like the you that's better, and perfect. They don't want to see the real you. If they did Ross Perot would have become President. That squirrelly little man with big ears would have been seen as a THE conservative business giant that he is. True, he wouldn't hire you if your face wasn't cleanly shaved everyday of the week. But, like everyone else he wants his version of the perfect you. Everyone says that it would be nice if we could just slow down and take life as it comes. Thats grade A bullshit. Harder, better, faster, and stronger: thats the motto for this new technological age. Our whole culture is trying to "improve" on ourselves. I am not limited from the mass of people trying to be something more than what they were originally. I am deaf in my left ear, and have been so for all of my life. Now I can get an implant that could give me almost complete hearing in that ear. But why should I? Am I defective? Am I less of a man or person for having this disability. Its not a disability, and I am not handicapped. I live fine without that left ear, and I will for a long time. Hell, I used to play violin pretty damn well. But, I could have more, and thats what we all want. We want what we can't have. If we can't have the perfect you then we don't want you. We won't like you.